Homeopathic Remedies For Herpes Outbreak. In between outbreaks utilize condoms foams and spermicides. Homeopathic medicines are safe it is a contagious disease and use of homeopathic remedies is very effective in treating herpes.

A number of alternative also called complementary therapies can help you deal with outbreaks of genital herpes. Lab tests have shown that the hsv 1 and the hsv 2 viruses can not penetrate latex. Look for lysine cream on the market.
That means that there isn t a cure that will prevent symptoms from returning.
There is not conclusive scientific evidence that homeopathy for herpes is an effective treatment but many people believe that it can help reduce the longevity frequency and pain associated with outbreaks of the virus. They can also be used to ease the pain and inflammation caused by herpes outbreaks. Luckily there are home remedies to help with herpes outbreaks. Simply steep the tea bag for a minute and let it cool.